Kasprzyk |
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aerobiology, seasonal variations, herbaceous pollen, intradiurnal variations, pollen grains, rural environments, town environments |
Kasprzyk |
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Kasprzyk I., 2008. Non-native Ambrosia pollen in the atmosphere of Rzeszów (SE Poland); evaluation of the effect of weather conditions on daily concentrations and starting dates of the pollen season. International Journal of Biometeorology, 52:341–351. |
aerobiology, long-distance transport, pollen, synoptic weather types, meteorological parameters |
Kiss |
2006 |
Kiss L and I. Beres, 2006. Anthropogenic factors behind the recent population expansion of common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) in Eastern Europe: is there a correlation with political transitions? In: Correspondence. Ed: Chris Humphries. Journal of Biogeography 33:2154-2157
Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., anthropogenic factors, primary colonizer, Eastern Europe |
Kosola |
1999 |
Kosola K. R. and K. L. Gross, 1999. Resource competition and suppression of plants colonizing early successional old fields. Oecologia 118:69-75 |
Achillea millefolium, nitrogen acquisition, Old-field succession, belowground competition, Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. |
Kumer |
1985 |
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aerobiology, monitoring centres, herbaceous plants, pollens |
Kazinczi |
2008 |
Kazinczi G, Béres I, Novák R, Bíró K, Pathy Z. 2008. Common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.): a review with special regards to the results in Hungary. I Taxonomy, origin and distribution, morphology, life cycle and reproduction strategy Herbologia 9: 55-91. |
plant invaders, ecology, biology, ragweed |
Kazinczi |
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Kazinczi G, Béres I, Pathy z, Novák R. 2008. Common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.): a review with special regards to the results in Hungary: II Importance and harmful effect, allergy, habitat, allelopathy and beneficial characteristics Herbologia 9: 93:118. |
ragweed, allergy, allelopathy, harmful effect |
Kazinczi |
2008 |
Kazinczi G, Novák R, Pathy Z, Béres I. 2008. Common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.): a review with special regards to the results in Hungary: III. Resistant biotypes, control methods and authority arrangements. herbologia 9: 119-144. |
ragweed, weed contorl, authority arrangements |
Kazinczi |
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Kazinczi G, Béres I, Novák R, Karamán J. 2009. Újra fókuszban az ürömlevelű parlagfű (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) Növényvédelem 45: 389-403. |
ragweed, biology |
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Kiss L. 2007. Why is biocontrol of common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia), the most allergenic weed in Eastern Europe, still only a hope? In: Vincent C, Goettel M, LazarovitsG (eds.) Biological control - a global perspective. Wallingford, UK: CAB International Publishing |
biocontrol, Hungary |