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Első szerző Év Teljes hivatkozás Kulcsszavak
Kasprzyk 2006 Kasprzyk I., 2006. Comparative study of seasonal and intradiurnal variation of airborne herbaceous pollen in urban and rural areas. Aerobiologia 22:185–195
aerobiology, seasonal variations, herbaceous pollen, intradiurnal variations, pollen grains, rural environments, town environments
Kasprzyk 2007 Kasprzyk I., 2008. Non-native Ambrosia pollen in the atmosphere of Rzeszów (SE Poland); evaluation of the effect of weather conditions on daily concentrations and starting dates of the pollen season. International Journal of Biometeorology, 52:341–351. aerobiology, long-distance transport, pollen, synoptic weather types, meteorological parameters
Kiss 2006 Kiss L and I. Beres, 2006. Anthropogenic factors behind the recent population expansion of common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) in Eastern Europe: is there a correlation with political transitions? In: Correspondence. Ed: Chris Humphries. Journal of Biogeography 33:2154-2157
Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., anthropogenic factors, primary colonizer, Eastern Europe
Kosola 1999 Kosola K. R. and K. L. Gross, 1999. Resource competition and suppression of plants colonizing early successional old fields. Oecologia 118:69-75 Achillea millefolium, nitrogen acquisition, Old-field succession, belowground competition, Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.
Kumer 1985 Kumer E., F. Piccoli, 1985. Aerobiologia in Italia e considerazioni su alcune specie vegetali allergeniche nela provincia di Ferrara. Aerobiologia 1:5-14 aerobiology, monitoring centres, herbaceous plants, pollens
Kazinczi 2008 Kazinczi G, Béres I, Novák R, Bíró K, Pathy Z. 2008. Common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.): a review with special regards to the results in Hungary. I Taxonomy, origin and distribution, morphology, life cycle and reproduction strategy Herbologia 9: 55-91. plant invaders, ecology, biology, ragweed
Kazinczi 2008 Kazinczi G, Béres I, Pathy z, Novák R. 2008. Common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.): a review with special regards to the results in Hungary: II Importance and harmful effect, allergy, habitat, allelopathy and beneficial characteristics Herbologia 9: 93:118. ragweed, allergy, allelopathy, harmful effect
Kazinczi 2008 Kazinczi G, Novák R, Pathy Z, Béres I. 2008. Common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.): a review with special regards to the results in Hungary: III. Resistant biotypes, control methods and authority arrangements. herbologia 9: 119-144. ragweed, weed contorl, authority arrangements
Kazinczi 2009 Kazinczi G, Béres I, Novák R, Karamán J. 2009. Újra fókuszban az ürömlevelű parlagfű (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) Növényvédelem 45: 389-403. ragweed, biology
Kiss 2007 Kiss L. 2007. Why is biocontrol of common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia), the most allergenic weed in Eastern Europe, still only a hope? In: Vincent C, Goettel M, LazarovitsG (eds.) Biological control - a global perspective. Wallingford, UK: CAB International Publishing biocontrol, Hungary