Parlagfű szakirodalom
Első szerző | Év | Teljes hivatkozás | Kulcsszavak |
Deen | 2001 | Deen W., C.J. Swanton, and L. A. Hunt, 2001. A mechanistic growth and development model of common ragweed. Weed Science 49:723-731 |
simulation, phenology |
DiTommaso | 2004 | DiTommaso A., 2004. Germination behavior of common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) populations across a range of salinities. Weed Science 52:1002–1009 | local adaptation, ruderals, seed germination, sodium chloride, roadside vegetation management |
Dahl | 1999 | Dahl A., S.-O. Strandhede, and J.-Å. Wihl, 1999. Ragweed – An allergy risk in Sweden? Aerobiologia 15: 293–297 |
Ambrosia sp., antropophyte, aero-allergen, long-distance transport, ragweed |
D'Amato | 1998 | D'Amato G., F. Th. M. Spieksma, G. Liccardi,S. Jager, M. Russo, K. Kontou-Fili, H. Nikkels, B. Wüthrich, and S. Bonini, 1998. Pollen-related allergy in Europe. Allergy 53:567-578 |
hay fever-hay asthma, pollen allergy, pollinosis, respiratory allergy by pollen |
D'Amato | 2007 | D'Amato G., L. Cecchi, S. Bonini, C. Nunes, I. Annesi-Maesano, H. Behrendt, G. Liccardi, T. Popov, and P. van Cauwenberge, 2007. Allergenic pollen and pollen allergy in Europe. Allergy 62: 976–990 |
airway hypersensitivity, allergenic pollens, allergic asthma, allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma, outdoor air-pollution, pollinosis, respiratory allergy, seasonal allergy |
Damialis | 2005 | Damialis A, D. Gioulekas, C. Lazopoulou, C. Balafoutis, and D. Vokou, 2005. Transport of airborne pollen into the city of Thessaloniki: the effects of wind direction, speed and persistence. Int J Biometeorol 49:139–145 |
pollen forecast, pollen dispersal, wind direction, wind speed, wind persistence |
Dechamp | 1997 | Dechamp C., M. L. Rimet., H. Meon., and P. Deviller, 1997. Parameters of ragweed pollination in the Lyon's area (France) from 14 years of pollen counts. Aerobiologia 13:275-279 |
Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., pollen counts, pollen traps, aerobiology, allergy |
Déchamp | 2001 | Déchamp C., 2001. To be effective and not harmful, ragweed-trimming methods should be rigorous. Allergie et Immunologie (Paris). 33(4):176-81. |
ragweed, male spike, trimming, France |
Della Torre | 2006 | Della Torre F., A. Limonta, A. Molinari, P. Benaglio, S. Vercelloni, and E.Della Torre, 2006. Epidemiology and Aerobiology of Ambrosia artemisiifolia between 1988 to 2004. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. Abstracts. 112 |
epidemiology, aerobiology, Ambrosia artemisiifolia |
Dessaint | 2005 | Dessaint F., B. Chauvel, and F. Bretagnolle, 2005 L'ambroisie. Chronique de l'extension d'un "polluant biologique" en France. Medecine/Sciences 2 (21):207-209 |
Ambrosia artemisiifolia |
Dullinger | 2009 | Dullinger S., Kleinbauer I., Peterseil J., Smolik M. and Essl F. 2009. Niche based distribution modelling of an invasive alien plant: effects of population status, propagule pressure and invasion history Niche based distribution modelling of an invasive alien plant: effects of population status, propagule pressure and invasion history Biological Invasions 11: 2401-2414 | Alien plants , Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., invasion, naturalization, propagule pressure, Species distribution models |