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Baskin 1980 Baskin J.M. and C.C. Baskin, 1980.
Ecophysiology of secondary dormancy in seeds of Ambrosia artemisiifolia. Ecology 61(3):475-480
Ambrosia, buried seeds, germination ecology, secondary dormancy
Bassett 1975 Bassett I. J. and Crompton C.W. 1976. The Biology of Canadian Weeds. 11. Ambrosia artemisifolia L. and A. psilostachya DC. Canadian J. of Plant Science, 55: 463-476. description, economic importance, geographical distribution, habitat, history, reproduction, growth and development
Bazzaz 1968 Bazzaz F.A., 1968. Succession on abandoned fields in the Shawnee Hills, Southern Illinois. Ecology 49(5):924-936
plant succession, annual, perennial, seed germination, early invader
Bazzaz 1974 Bazzaz F.A. 1974. Ecophysiology of Ambrosia artemisiifolia: a successional dominant. Ecology 55: 112-119. Ambrosia, photosynthesis, succession, plant
Belmonte 2000 Belmonte J., M. Vendrell, J. M. Roure, J. Vidal, J. Botey, and A. Cadahía, 2000. Levels of Ambrosia pollen in the atmospheric spectra of Catalan aerobiological stations. Aerobiologia 16:93–99, 2000. aerobiology, Ambrosia pollen, long range transport, Spain
Bianchi 1959 Bianchi D.E., D.J. Schwemmin, and W.H.Jr. Wagner, 1959. Pollen release in the common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia). Botanical Gazette 120(4):235-243 Ambrosia, pollen, wind-pollination, staminate flower, environmental factors
Bass 2000 Bass D. J., V. Delpech, J. Beard, P. Bass, and R. S. Walls, 2000. Ragweed in Australia. Aerobiologia 16:107–111
Australia, ragweed, Tibouchina, respiratory allergy, Southern Hemisphere, pollen
Béres 2003 Béres, I. 2003. Az ürömlevelű parlagfű (Ambrosia artemisifolia L.) elterjedése, jelentősége és biológiája. Növényvédelem 39 (7): 293-302 származás, morfológia, életciklus, allelopatikus hatás
Brandes 2006 Brandes D. and J. Nitsche, 2006. Biology, introduction, dispersal, and distribution of common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) with special regard to Germany. Nachrichtenbl. Deut. Pflanzenchutsd. 58(11):286-291 Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., population biology, ecology, introduction, biocontrol, current distribution, weed, assessment, recommendations
Béres 1991 Béres I. and Hunyadi K. 1991.
Az Ambrosia elatior elterjedése Magyarországon. (The Ambrosia elatior distribution in Hungary) Növényvédelem, 27: 405-410.
elterjedési térkép, herbicid rezisztencia
Béres 1993 Béres I. and Bíró K. 1993. A parlagfű (Ambrosia elatior L.) életciklusa és fenofázisainak időtartama. Növényvédelem, 29: 148-151
csírázás, virágzás, termésérés
Barnes 2001 Barnes C. , F. Pacheco, J. Landuyt, F. Hu, and J. Portnoy, 2001.
The effect of temperature, relative humidity and rainfall on airborne ragweed pollen concentrations. Aerobiologia 17:61–68
aerobiology, humidity, ragweed, rainfall, temperature
Bartková- Sčevková 2003 Bartková- Sčevková J. 2003. The influence of temperature, relative humidity and rainfall on the occurrence of pollen allergens (Betula, Poaceae, Ambrosia artemisiifolia) in the atmosphere of Bratislava (Slovakia). Int J Biometeorol 48:1–5 aeropalynology, temperature, relative humidity, rainfall, Slovakia
Bohren 2006 Bohren C., Common ragweed ([em]Ambrosia artemisiifolia[/em] L.) in Switzerland: development of a nationwide concerted action. Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. – in Switzerland: concerted action to prevent further spreading. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz, Sonderheft XX, (in preparation)
Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., Switzerland, neophyte
Bohren Ragweed control: influence on gtowth, pollen production and seed production. ragweed, pollen production, seed production
Bonini 2005 Bonini M., G. Bertani, P. Bottero, B. Cavagna, P. Colombo, G. Cislaghi, L. Macchi, P. Pellino, and R. Colombo, 1995. Expérimentation de modalités de limitation de la prolifération d'Ambrosia artemisiifolia dans différentes catégories de culture. Lettre d'Information Apériodique de l'Association Française d'Etude des Ambroisies (AFEDA) 22 Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Italy, Milan
Bottero 1990 Bottero P., E. Venegoni, G. Riccio, G. Vignati, M. Brivio, C. Novi, and C. Ortolani, 1990
Pollinosi da Ambrosia artemisifolia in provincia di Milano. Folia Allergol. Immunol. Clin. 37: 99-105
Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Artemisia vulgaris, cross-reactivity, Milan, Italy
Bottero 1999 Bottero P., M. Palella, E. Venegoni, A. Gritttini, and G. Vitali, 1999.
Pollinose dans une zone semi-urbaine de la province de Milan: analyse des observations cliniques de l'hopital de Magenta. Lettre d'Information Apériodique de l'Association Française d'Etude des Ambroisies (AFEDA) 11
pollinosis, Italy, Magenta
Bottero 2006 Bottero P., M. Bonini, F. Vecchio, and R.A. Sinico, 2006. Prévalence de l'allergie due à l'ambroisie dans trois différents groupes de sujets asthmatiques. Lettre d'Information Apériodique de l'Association Française d'Etude des Ambroisies (AFEDA) 23
ragweed, asthma, epidemiological study
Brandes Zum aktuellen Vorkommen von Ambrosia artemisiifolia in Slowenien 2005. Power Point Presentation Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Slovenia