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Albasser 1992 Albasser G., 1992. Ragweed pollen sampling in Gallarate (North-West of Milan) during four years (1987-1990). Aerobiologia 8:31-33 pollen sampling, pollination period, ragweed
Asero 2007 Asero R., 2007.
The changing pattern of ragweed allergy in the area of Milan, Italy. Allergy 62:1097–1099
pollen, ragweed, respiratory allergy, sensitization
Bass 2000 Bass D. J., V. Delpech, J. Beard, P. Bass, and R. S. Walls, 2000. Ragweed in Australia. Aerobiologia 16:107–111
Australia, ragweed, Tibouchina, respiratory allergy, Southern Hemisphere, pollen
Járai-Komlódi 1993 Jarai-Komlodi M. and M. Juhasz, 1993. Ambrosia elatior (L.) in Hungary (1989-1990). Aerobiologia 9:75- 78
Ambrosia spp., pollinosis, ragweed, aeropalynology
Jaeger 2000 Jaeger S., 2000. Ragweed (Ambrosia) sensitisation rates correlate with the amount of inhaled airborne pollen. A 14-year study in Vienna, Austria. Aerobiologia 16:149-153 aerobiology, pollen allergy, ragweed, RAST, Austria
Barnes 2001 Barnes C. , F. Pacheco, J. Landuyt, F. Hu, and J. Portnoy, 2001.
The effect of temperature, relative humidity and rainfall on airborne ragweed pollen concentrations. Aerobiologia 17:61–68
aerobiology, humidity, ragweed, rainfall, temperature
Bohren Ragweed control: influence on gtowth, pollen production and seed production. ragweed, pollen production, seed production
Bottero 2006 Bottero P., M. Bonini, F. Vecchio, and R.A. Sinico, 2006. Prévalence de l'allergie due à l'ambroisie dans trois différents groupes de sujets asthmatiques. Lettre d'Information Apériodique de l'Association Française d'Etude des Ambroisies (AFEDA) 23
ragweed, asthma, epidemiological study
Carosso 2000 Carosso A., and M. T. Gallesio, 2000.
Allergy to ragweed: clinical relevance in Turin. Aerobiologia 16:155–158
aerobiology, airborne pollen, allergy, bronchial asthma, ragweed, rhinoconjunctivitis
Cecchi 2007 Cecchi L., T. Torrigiani Malaspina, R. Albertini, M. Zanca, E. Ridolo, I. Usberti, M. Morabito, P. Dall’ Aglio, and S. Orlandini, 2007. The contribution of long-distance transport to the presence of Ambrosia pollen in central northern Italy. Aerobiologia 23:145–151 allergy, back-trajectories, long-distance transport, meteorology, pollen, ragweed
Couturier 1992 Couturier P., 1992.
Dispersion of ragweed in the Drôme-Ardèche region. Allergie et immunologie (Paris) 24(1): 27-31
ragweed, Rhône, France
Dahl 1999 Dahl A., S.-O. Strandhede, and J.-Å. Wihl, 1999.
Ragweed – An allergy risk in Sweden? Aerobiologia 15: 293–297
Ambrosia sp., antropophyte, aero-allergen, long-distance transport, ragweed
Déchamp 2001 Déchamp C., 2001.
To be effective and not harmful, ragweed-trimming methods should be rigorous. Allergie et Immunologie (Paris). 33(4):176-81.
ragweed, male spike, trimming, France
Frenz 1999 Frenz D.A., 1999.
Volumetric regweed pollen data for eight cities in the continental United States. Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology 82:41-46
ragweed, volumetric data, continental United States, cities
Goyette Goyette-Pernot J. , Muñoz-Alpizar R., Blanchet J. -P., Goyette S., and M. Beniston. Analysing ragweed pollen cloud over Montreal city center. - Preliminary data ragweed, pollen, urban area, Montreal
Laaidi 2004 Laaidi M., M. Thibaudon, J. P. Besancenot, 2004.
How to predict the date of the start of the pollination of a plant from the meteorological data: the example of ragweed at Lyon. Allerg Immunol (Paris) 36(7): 268-271
ragweed, forecast model, starting date of pollen season, regression analysis, France
Peternel 2005 Peternel R., J. Culig, L. Srnec, B. Mitiv, I. Vuvkusic, I. Hrga., 2005. Variation in ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) pollen concentration in Central Croatia, 2002-2003. Ann Agric Environ Med 12:11–16
aerobiology, ragweed, allergenic pollens, pollen count, Croatia
Rogers 2006 Rogers C.A., P.M. Wayne, E. A. Macklin, M.L. Muilenberg, C.J. Wagner,
P. R. Epstein, and F.A. Bazzaz,2006. Interaction of the Onset of Spring and Elevated Atmospheric CO2 on Ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) Pollen Production. Environmental Health Perspectives, 141(6):865-869
allergenic pollens, Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., climate change, elevated CO2, climate variability, global warming, ragweed, springtime
Puc 2006 Puc M., 2006. Ragweed and mugwort pollen in Szczecin, Poland. Aerobiologia 22:67–78 allergens, long-distance transport, meteorology, Mugwort, Poland, pollen counts, ragweed, Szczecin
Pozzi 1992 Pozzi P., P. Zanon, D. Berra, and E. Chiodini, 1992. Results of three years of aerobiological sampling in the atmosphere of Busto Arsizio. Aerobiologia 8:21-26
ragweed, pollen count