Ugrás a tartalomra

pollen counts

Első szerző Év Teljes hivatkozás Kulcsszavak
Holmes 1963 Holmes R. M. and I. J. Bassett, 1963. Effect of meteorological events on ragweed pollen count. International Journal of Biometeorology 7(1): 27-34
Ambrosia spp., pollen counts, Durham gravity collector, Ottawa, Canada
Dechamp 1997 Dechamp C., M. L. Rimet., H. Meon., and P. Deviller, 1997.
Parameters of ragweed pollination in the Lyon's area (France) from 14 years of pollen counts. Aerobiologia 13:275-279
Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., pollen counts, pollen traps, aerobiology, allergy
Laaidi 1999 Laaidi K. and M Laaidi, 1999. Airborne pollen of Ambrosia in Burgundy (France) 1996–1997. Aerobiologia 15:65–69 allergy, Ambrosia, Burgundy, circadian periodicity, pollen counts, wind
Puc 2006 Puc M., 2006. Ragweed and mugwort pollen in Szczecin, Poland. Aerobiologia 22:67–78 allergens, long-distance transport, meteorology, Mugwort, Poland, pollen counts, ragweed, Szczecin