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Carosso 2000 Carosso A., and M. T. Gallesio, 2000.
Allergy to ragweed: clinical relevance in Turin. Aerobiologia 16:155–158
aerobiology, airborne pollen, allergy, bronchial asthma, ragweed, rhinoconjunctivitis
Cecchi 2007 Cecchi L., T. Torrigiani Malaspina, R. Albertini, M. Zanca, E. Ridolo, I. Usberti, M. Morabito, P. Dall’ Aglio, and S. Orlandini, 2007. The contribution of long-distance transport to the presence of Ambrosia pollen in central northern Italy. Aerobiologia 23:145–151 allergy, back-trajectories, long-distance transport, meteorology, pollen, ragweed
Dechamp 1997 Dechamp C., M. L. Rimet., H. Meon., and P. Deviller, 1997.
Parameters of ragweed pollination in the Lyon's area (France) from 14 years of pollen counts. Aerobiologia 13:275-279
Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., pollen counts, pollen traps, aerobiology, allergy
Gioulekas 2004 Gioulekas D., C. Balafoutis, A. Damialis, D. Papakosta, G.Gioulekas, and D. Patakas, 2004.
Fifteen years record of airborne allergenic pollen and meteorological parameters in Thessaloniki, Greece. Int J Biometeorol 48:128–136
aerobiology, airborne pollen, meteorological parameters, allergy, pollen calendar, Greece
Laaidi 1999 Laaidi K. and M Laaidi, 1999. Airborne pollen of Ambrosia in Burgundy (France) 1996–1997. Aerobiologia 15:65–69 allergy, Ambrosia, Burgundy, circadian periodicity, pollen counts, wind
Stepalska 2002 Stepalska D., K. Szczepanek, and D. Myszkowska, 2002. Variation in Ambrosia pollen concentration in Southern and Central Poland in 1982–1999. Aerobiologia 18:13–22
aeropalynology, allergy, Ambrosia pollen concentration, meteorological factors
Taramarcaz 2005 Taramarcaz P., C. Lambelet, B. Clot, C. Keimerd, C. Hausera, 2005. Ragweed (Ambrosia) progression and its health risks: will Switzerland resist this invasion? Swiss Med Wkly 135:538-548
Ambrosia, allergy, health risk, allergic rhinitis, asthma, Switzerland
Clot 2003 Clot, B. 2003. Trends in airborne pollne: An overview of 21 years of data in Neuchatel (Switzerland9 Aerobiologia 19: 227-234. abundance, allergy, climate change, pollen, season, trends
Kazinczi 2008 Kazinczi G, Béres I, Pathy z, Novák R. 2008. Common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.): a review with special regards to the results in Hungary: II Importance and harmful effect, allergy, habitat, allelopathy and beneficial characteristics Herbologia 9: 93:118. ragweed, allergy, allelopathy, harmful effect