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long-distance transport

Első szerző Év Teljes hivatkozás Kulcsszavak
Kasprzyk 2007 Kasprzyk I., 2008. Non-native Ambrosia pollen in the atmosphere of Rzeszów (SE Poland); evaluation of the effect of weather conditions on daily concentrations and starting dates of the pollen season. International Journal of Biometeorology, 52:341–351. aerobiology, long-distance transport, pollen, synoptic weather types, meteorological parameters
Cecchi 2007 Cecchi L., T. Torrigiani Malaspina, R. Albertini, M. Zanca, E. Ridolo, I. Usberti, M. Morabito, P. Dall’ Aglio, and S. Orlandini, 2007. The contribution of long-distance transport to the presence of Ambrosia pollen in central northern Italy. Aerobiologia 23:145–151 allergy, back-trajectories, long-distance transport, meteorology, pollen, ragweed
Dahl 1999 Dahl A., S.-O. Strandhede, and J.-Å. Wihl, 1999.
Ragweed – An allergy risk in Sweden? Aerobiologia 15: 293–297
Ambrosia sp., antropophyte, aero-allergen, long-distance transport, ragweed
Puc 2006 Puc M., 2006. Ragweed and mugwort pollen in Szczecin, Poland. Aerobiologia 22:67–78 allergens, long-distance transport, meteorology, Mugwort, Poland, pollen counts, ragweed, Szczecin