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Első szerző Év Teljes hivatkozás Kulcsszavak
Makra 2004 Makra L., M. Juhasz, E. Borsos, and R. Beczi, 2004.
Meteorological variables connected with airborne ragweed pollen in Southern Hungary. Int J Biometeorol 49:37–47
pollen allergy, ragweed pollen, concentration, Makra test, factor analysis, regression analysis
Makra 2005 Makra L, M. Juhasz, R. Beczi, and E. Borsos, 2005. The history and impacts of airborne Ambrosia (Asteraceae) pollen in Hungary. Ambrosia, Hungary
Mandrioli 1998 Mandrioli P., M. Di Cecco, and G. Andina, 1998. Ragweed pollen: The aeroallergen is spreading in Italy. Aerobiologia 14:13-20 Ambrosia sp., aero-allergen, pollen
Maryushkina 1991 Maryushkina V. Y., 1991.
Peculiarities of common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. ) strategy. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 36:207-216
Ambrosia artemisiifolia, phytocenoses, steppe, R-K-S strategies
McKone 1986 McKone M. J. and D. W. Tonkyn, 1986. Intrapopulation gender variation in common ragweed (Asteraceae: Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.), a monoecious, annual herb. Oecologia 70:63-67
sex expression, gender, Ambrosia, annual, plant
Myers 2004 Myers M.W., W.S. Curran, M.J. Van Gessel, D. D. Calvin, D. A. Mortensen, B. A. Majek, H. D. Karsten, and G. W. Roth, 2004. Predicting weed emergence for eight annual species in the northeastern United States. Weed Science 52:913–919 soil degree days, weed competition, weed emergence models
Martínez 2002 Martínez, M.L. Vázquez, G., White, D.A., Thivet, G. & Brengues, M. 2002. Effects of burial by sand and inundation by fresh- and seawater on seed germination of five tropical beach species. Effects of burial by sand and inundation by fresh- and seawater on seed germination of five tropical beach species. Can. J. Bot. 80 (4): 416–424. germination, sand burial, freshwater, seawater , flooding, Gulf of Mexico