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Első szerző Év Teljes hivatkozás Kulcsszavak
Genton 2005 Genton B.J., P. M. Kotanen, P.-O. Cheptou, C. Adolphe, J. A. Shykoff, 2005. Enemy release but no evolutionary loss of defence in a plant invasion: an inter-continental reciprocal transplant experiment. Oecologia 146:404–414
Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., bioinvasion, herbivory, plant defence, weed
Genton 2005 Genton B . J., J . A. Shykoff, and T. Giraud, 2005. High genetic diversity in French invasive populations of common ragweed, Ambrosia artemisiifolia, as a result of multiple sources of introduction. Molecular Ecology 14:4275–4285
bioinvasion, microsatellite, plant, population structure
Grangeot 2005 Grangeot M ., B. Chauvel, and C. Gauvrit, 2005. Spray retention, foliar uptake and translocation of glufosinate and glyphosate in Ambrosia artemisiifolia. Weed Research 46:152-162
common ragweed, epidermis, trichome, stomata, wettability, herbicide, efficacy
Grundy 2003 Grundy A.C., 2003. Predicting weed emergence: a review of approaches. Weed Research 43:1–11
modelling, seedbank, dormancy, germination, pre-emergence growth
Gioulekas 2004 Gioulekas D., C. Balafoutis, A. Damialis, D. Papakosta, G.Gioulekas, and D. Patakas, 2004.
Fifteen years record of airborne allergenic pollen and meteorological parameters in Thessaloniki, Greece. Int J Biometeorol 48:128–136
aerobiology, airborne pollen, meteorological parameters, allergy, pollen calendar, Greece
Goracci 1996 Goracci E. and G. Goracci, 1996.
Ragweed (Ambrosia) pollen presence in Livorno, Central Italy: aerobiological and sensitization data. Aerobiologia 12:139-140
ragweed pollen, specific IgE, sensitization, aerobiology
Goyette Goyette-Pernot J. , Muñoz-Alpizar R., Blanchet J. -P., Goyette S., and M. Beniston. Analysing ragweed pollen cloud over Montreal city center. - Preliminary data ragweed, pollen, urban area, Montreal
Goyette-Pernot Goyette-Pernot J., R. Muñoz-Alpizar, J. -P. Blanchet, S. Goyette, and M. Beniston. -- . Analysing ragweed pollen cloud over Montreal city center. Ambrosia artemisiifolia, NARCM model, urban area, Montreal, Canada