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Első szerző Év Teljes hivatkozás Kulcsszavak
Chauvel 2006 Chauvel B., F. Dessaint, C. Cardinal-Legrand, and F. Bretagnolle, 2006.
The historical spread of Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. in France from herbarium records. Journal of Biogeography (J. Biogeogr.) 33:665–673
Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., France, spread, sunflower seed
Clay 2006 Clay S.A., B. Kreutner, and F. Forcella, 2006. Spatial distribution, temporal stability, and yield loss estimates for annual grasses and common ragweed (Ambrosia artimisiifolia) in a corn/soybean production field over nine years. Weed Science 54:380-390
economic threshold, geostatistics, incremental yield loss, kriging, precision
Clot 2002 Clot B., D. Schneiter, Ph. Tercier, R. Gehrig, G. Annie, and M. Thibaudon, 2002. Ambrosia pollen in Switzerland - produced locally or transported? Allerg. Immunol. (Paris) 34 (4):126-8
Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., pollen transport, Switzerland
Chen 2007 Chen H., L. Chen, and T. P. Albright, 2007.
Developing Habitat-suitability Maps of Invasive Ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) in China Using GIS and Statistical Methods. In: Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, GIS for Health and the Environment, Springer, pp. 102-121.
invasive species, suitability maps, Akaike’s Information Criterion (AIC), logistic regression, habitat, GIS , quantile
CAREPS 1998 CAREPS (Centre Rhône-Alpes d’Epidémiologie et de Prévention Sanitaire) et Association Pollen, 1998.
La lutte contre l'Ambrosie dans la region Rhône-Alpes. Rapport N° 228.
Ambrosia artemisiifolia
Carosso 2000 Carosso A., and M. T. Gallesio, 2000.
Allergy to ragweed: clinical relevance in Turin. Aerobiologia 16:155–158
aerobiology, airborne pollen, allergy, bronchial asthma, ragweed, rhinoconjunctivitis
Cecchi 2006 Cecchi L., M. Morabito, M.P. Domeneghetti, A. Crisci, M., Onorari, S. Orlandini, 2006.
Long distance transport of ragweed pollen as a potential cause of allergy in central Italy. Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, 96 (1):86-91
Ambrosia, pollen transport, Italy, Florence, Pistoia
Cecchi 2007 Cecchi L., T. Torrigiani Malaspina, R. Albertini, M. Zanca, E. Ridolo, I. Usberti, M. Morabito, P. Dall’ Aglio, and S. Orlandini, 2007. The contribution of long-distance transport to the presence of Ambrosia pollen in central northern Italy. Aerobiologia 23:145–151 allergy, back-trajectories, long-distance transport, meteorology, pollen, ragweed
Chauvel 2004 B. Chauvel, E. Vieren, B. Fumanal, and F. Bretagnolle, 2004. Possibilite de dissemination d’Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. via les semences de tournesol. Xiième Colloque International Sur La Biologie Des Mauvaises Herbes. Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., France, spread, sunflower seed
Couturier 1992 Couturier P., 1992.
Dispersion of ragweed in the Drôme-Ardèche region. Allergie et immunologie (Paris) 24(1): 27-31
ragweed, Rhône, France
Csontos 2010 Csontos, P. Vitalos M., Barina, Z. 2010 Early distribution and spread of Ambrosia artemisiifolia in central and Eastern Europe Botanica Helvetica 120: 75-78. biological invasion , ragweed, distribution map, invasive weed, pollen allergy, herbarium studies
Cahill 1999 Cahill, J. F. Jr, Casper, B. B. 1999. Growth consequences of soil nutrient heterogeneity for two old-field herbs, Ambrosia artemisiifolia and Phytolacca americana, growth individually and in combination Annals of Botany 83: 471-478. pokeweed, ragweed, nutrient heterogeneity, root proliferation, plasticity, nutrient patches
Clot 2003 Clot, B. 2003. Trends in airborne pollne: An overview of 21 years of data in Neuchatel (Switzerland9 Aerobiologia 19: 227-234. abundance, allergy, climate change, pollen, season, trends