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Fumanal 2005 Fumanal B., B. Chauvel, and F. Bretagnolle, 2005. Demography of an allergenic European invasive plant: Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. BCPC Symposium proceedings No. 81, 225-226
Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., ecology, plant density, demography, France
Fumanal 2006 Fumanal B. , C. Plenchette, B. Chauvel, and F. Bretagnolle, 2006. Which role can arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi play in the facilitation of Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. invasion in France? Mycorrhiza 17:25–35 Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., invasive plant, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, growth, development
Fumanal 2007 Fumanal B., B. Chauvel, and F. Bretagnolle, 2007. Estimation of pollen and seed production of common ragweed in France. Ann Agric Environ Med 14: 233-236. Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., pollen , invasive plant, weed
Fumanal 2007 Fumanal B., B. Chauvel, A. Sabatier, and F. Bretagnolle, 2007.
Variability and Cryptic Heteromorphism of Ambrosia artemisiifolia Seeds: What Consequences for its Invasion in France? Annals of Botany 100(2): 305–313.
Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., germination, heteromorphism, hydrochory, invasive plant, seed mass variation, achen, growth, Asteraceae
Frenz 1995 Frenz D.A., M.A. Palmer, J.M.Hokanson, and R.T. Scamehorn, 1995.
Seasonal characteristics of ragweed pollen dispersal in the United States. Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology 75:417-422
Ambrosia spp., peak pollen date, pollen source, United States
Frenz 1999 Frenz D.A., 1999.
Volumetric regweed pollen data for eight cities in the continental United States. Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology 82:41-46
ragweed, volumetric data, continental United States, cities
Fumanal 2008 Fumanal, B., Girod, C., Fried, G., Bretagnolle, F., Chauvel, B. 2008. Can the large ecological amplitude of Ambrosia artemisiifolia explain its invasive success in France? Weed Research 48: 349-359. common ragweed, invasion, generalist species, vegetation survey, disturbed habitat
Fumanal 2008 Fumanal, B., Gaudot, I., Bretagnolle, f. 2008. Seed-bank dynamics in the invasive plant, Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. Seed Science Research 18: 101-114. Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., disturbance, invasive plant, seedbank, seed dormancy, seedling recrutiment, spatial distribution