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Első szerző Év Teljes hivatkozás Kulcsszavak
Abul-Fatih 1980 Abul-Fatih, H.A. and F.A. Bazzaz, 1980. The Biology of Ambrosia trifida L. IV. Demography of Plants and Leaves. New Phytologist 84:107-111. Ambrosia trifida, monoculture, demographic techniques
Ackerly 1990 D.D. Ackerly and M. Jasiefiski, 1990. Size-dependent variation of gender in high density stands of the monoecious annual, Ambrosia artemisiifolia (Asteraceae). Oecologia (1990) 82:474-477 gender, Ambrosia, competition, size, hierarchy, wind-pollination
Albasser 1992 Albasser G., 1992. Ragweed pollen sampling in Gallarate (North-West of Milan) during four years (1987-1990). Aerobiologia 8:31-33 pollen sampling, pollination period, ragweed
Allard 1945 Allard H.A., 1945. Flowering Behavior and Natural Distribution of the Eastern Ragweeds (Ambrosia) as Affected by Length of Day. Ecology 26(4):387-394
flowering behavior, inflorescence, seasonal expression, Ambrosia trifida, Ambrosia artemisiifolia
Asero 2002 Asero R. , 2002. Birch and ragweed pollinosis north of Milan: a model to investigate the effects of exposure to "new" airborne allergens. Allergy 57:1063-1066 birch, familiarity, pollen, pollinosis
Asero 2007 Asero R., 2007.
The changing pattern of ragweed allergy in the area of Milan, Italy. Allergy 62:1097–1099
pollen, ragweed, respiratory allergy, sensitization
Auda 2002 Auda Y., F. Blasco, J.P. Gastellu-Etchegorry, G.Marty, C. Dechamp, 2002. Preliminary studies of the detection of Ambrosia populations by spatial remote sensing. Revue Francaise d'Allergologie et d'Immunologie Clinique, 42( 5):533-538(6)
Ragweed fields, spatial remote sensing, Terra ASTER
Alberternst 2006 Alberternst B., S. Nawrath, and F. Klingenstein, 2006. Biologie, Verbreitung und Einschleppungswege von Ambrosia artemisiifolia in Deutschland und Bewertung aus Naturschutzsicht. Nachrichtenbl. Deut. Pflanzenschutzd., 58(11)
Ambrosia artemisiifolia, distribution, spreading, pathways of introduction, Germany, biology, invasive alien plant