Első szerző | Év | Teljes hivatkozás | Kulcsszavak |
Ackerly | 1990 | D.D. Ackerly and M. Jasiefiski, 1990. Size-dependent variation of gender in high density stands of the monoecious annual, Ambrosia artemisiifolia (Asteraceae). Oecologia (1990) 82:474-477 | gender, Ambrosia, competition, size, hierarchy, wind-pollination |
McKone | 1986 | McKone M. J. and D. W. Tonkyn, 1986. Intrapopulation gender variation in common ragweed (Asteraceae: Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.), a monoecious, annual herb. Oecologia 70:63-67 |
sex expression, gender, Ambrosia, annual, plant |