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Kasprzyk 2007 Kasprzyk I., 2008. Non-native Ambrosia pollen in the atmosphere of Rzeszów (SE Poland); evaluation of the effect of weather conditions on daily concentrations and starting dates of the pollen season. International Journal of Biometeorology, 52:341–351. aerobiology, long-distance transport, pollen, synoptic weather types, meteorological parameters
Kiss 2006 Kiss L and I. Beres, 2006. Anthropogenic factors behind the recent population expansion of common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) in Eastern Europe: is there a correlation with political transitions? In: Correspondence. Ed: Chris Humphries. Journal of Biogeography 33:2154-2157
Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., anthropogenic factors, primary colonizer, Eastern Europe
Kosola 1999 Kosola K. R. and K. L. Gross, 1999. Resource competition and suppression of plants colonizing early successional old fields. Oecologia 118:69-75 Achillea millefolium, nitrogen acquisition, Old-field succession, belowground competition, Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.
Lavoie 2007 Lavoie C., Y. Jodoin, and A.Goursaud de Merlis, (2007). How did common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) spread in Québec? A historical analysis using herbarium records Journal of Biogeography 1-11 Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., corridor , biological invasion , agriculture , herbarium specimen , Québec , river , road
Lewis 1973 Lewis A.J., 1973. Ragweed Control Techniques: Effect on Old-Field Plant Populations Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 100 (6):333-338 Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., population control, biomass, burn treatment, graminoid, non-graminoid
Barnes 2001 Barnes C. , F. Pacheco, J. Landuyt, F. Hu, and J. Portnoy, 2001.
The effect of temperature, relative humidity and rainfall on airborne ragweed pollen concentrations. Aerobiologia 17:61–68
aerobiology, humidity, ragweed, rainfall, temperature
Bartková- Sčevková 2003 Bartková- Sčevková J. 2003. The influence of temperature, relative humidity and rainfall on the occurrence of pollen allergens (Betula, Poaceae, Ambrosia artemisiifolia) in the atmosphere of Bratislava (Slovakia). Int J Biometeorol 48:1–5 aeropalynology, temperature, relative humidity, rainfall, Slovakia
Bohren 2006 Bohren C., Common ragweed ([em]Ambrosia artemisiifolia[/em] L.) in Switzerland: development of a nationwide concerted action. Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. – in Switzerland: concerted action to prevent further spreading. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz, Sonderheft XX, (in preparation)
Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., Switzerland, neophyte
Bohren Ragweed control: influence on gtowth, pollen production and seed production. ragweed, pollen production, seed production
Bonini 2005 Bonini M., G. Bertani, P. Bottero, B. Cavagna, P. Colombo, G. Cislaghi, L. Macchi, P. Pellino, and R. Colombo, 1995. Expérimentation de modalités de limitation de la prolifération d'Ambrosia artemisiifolia dans différentes catégories de culture. Lettre d'Information Apériodique de l'Association Française d'Etude des Ambroisies (AFEDA) 22 Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Italy, Milan
Bottero 1990 Bottero P., E. Venegoni, G. Riccio, G. Vignati, M. Brivio, C. Novi, and C. Ortolani, 1990
Pollinosi da Ambrosia artemisifolia in provincia di Milano. Folia Allergol. Immunol. Clin. 37: 99-105
Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Artemisia vulgaris, cross-reactivity, Milan, Italy
Bottero 1999 Bottero P., M. Palella, E. Venegoni, A. Gritttini, and G. Vitali, 1999.
Pollinose dans une zone semi-urbaine de la province de Milan: analyse des observations cliniques de l'hopital de Magenta. Lettre d'Information Apériodique de l'Association Française d'Etude des Ambroisies (AFEDA) 11
pollinosis, Italy, Magenta
Bottero 2006 Bottero P., M. Bonini, F. Vecchio, and R.A. Sinico, 2006. Prévalence de l'allergie due à l'ambroisie dans trois différents groupes de sujets asthmatiques. Lettre d'Information Apériodique de l'Association Française d'Etude des Ambroisies (AFEDA) 23
ragweed, asthma, epidemiological study
Brandes Zum aktuellen Vorkommen von Ambrosia artemisiifolia in Slowenien 2005. Power Point Presentation Ambrosia artemisiifolia, Slovenia
CAREPS 1998 CAREPS (Centre Rhône-Alpes d’Epidémiologie et de Prévention Sanitaire) et Association Pollen, 1998.
La lutte contre l'Ambrosie dans la region Rhône-Alpes. Rapport N° 228.
Ambrosia artemisiifolia
Carosso 2000 Carosso A., and M. T. Gallesio, 2000.
Allergy to ragweed: clinical relevance in Turin. Aerobiologia 16:155–158
aerobiology, airborne pollen, allergy, bronchial asthma, ragweed, rhinoconjunctivitis
Cecchi 2006 Cecchi L., M. Morabito, M.P. Domeneghetti, A. Crisci, M., Onorari, S. Orlandini, 2006.
Long distance transport of ragweed pollen as a potential cause of allergy in central Italy. Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, 96 (1):86-91
Ambrosia, pollen transport, Italy, Florence, Pistoia
Cecchi 2007 Cecchi L., T. Torrigiani Malaspina, R. Albertini, M. Zanca, E. Ridolo, I. Usberti, M. Morabito, P. Dall’ Aglio, and S. Orlandini, 2007. The contribution of long-distance transport to the presence of Ambrosia pollen in central northern Italy. Aerobiologia 23:145–151 allergy, back-trajectories, long-distance transport, meteorology, pollen, ragweed
Chauvel 2004 B. Chauvel, E. Vieren, B. Fumanal, and F. Bretagnolle, 2004. Possibilite de dissemination d’Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. via les semences de tournesol. Xiième Colloque International Sur La Biologie Des Mauvaises Herbes. Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., France, spread, sunflower seed
Couturier 1992 Couturier P., 1992.
Dispersion of ragweed in the Drôme-Ardèche region. Allergie et immunologie (Paris) 24(1): 27-31
ragweed, Rhône, France