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Ragweed literature

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Firth Author Year Full citation Keywords
Saar 2000 Saar M., Z. Gudžinskas, T. Ploompuu, E. Linno., Z. Minkiene, and V. Motiekaityte, 2000. Ragweed plants and airborne pollen in the Baltic states. Aerobiologia 16:101–106 back-trajectories, distribution of plants, frequency of plants, long distance transport, pollen season, ragweed
Savitsky 1996 Savitsky V. D., Ludmila G. Bezus'ko, N. G. Butich, Z. M. Tsymbaliuk, O. V. Savitska, and T. V. Bezus'ko, 1996. Airborne pollen in Kiev (Ukraine): gravimetric sampling. Aerobiologia 12:209-211
airborne pollen, Kiev, pollen calendar, gravimetric sampling
Šikoparija 2006 Šikoparija B., P. Radišić, T. Pejak, and S. Šimić, 2006.
Airborne grass and ragweed pollen in the southern Panonnian valley – consideration of rural and urban environment. Ann Agric Environ Med 13: 263–266
aerobiology, airborne pollen, grass, ragweed, urban environment, rural environment
Sneiderman 2007 Sneiderman P., 2007. Study of Ragweed Offers Hope for Allergy Sufferers. Medical News Today. 26 Sept, 2007.
ragweed, pollen concentration, ragweed population, invasive weed
Stach 2007 Stach A., M. Smith, C. A. Skjøth, and J. Brandt, 2007.
Examining Ambrosia pollen episodes at Poznań (Poland) using back-trajectory analysis. Int J Biometeorol 51:275–286
aerobiology, ragweed, Ambrosia, Poznań, back-trajectory analysis
Stark 1997 Stark P., L. M. Ryan , J. L. McDonald, and H. A. Burge, 1997.
Using meteorologic data to predict daily ragweed pollen levels. Aerobiologia 13:177-184
ragweed pollen, Poisson regression, forecasting, meteorology
Stefanic 2005 Stefanic E., V. Kovacevic, Z. Lazanin, 2000.
Airborne ragweed pollen concentration in north-eastern Croatia and its relationship with meteorological parameters. Ann Agric Environ Med 12:75–79
ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.), pollen count, meteorological conditions, Spearman's correlation coefficient, Croatia, 2001-2003
Stepalska 2002 Stepalska D., K. Szczepanek, and D. Myszkowska, 2002. Variation in Ambrosia pollen concentration in Southern and Central Poland in 1982–1999. Aerobiologia 18:13–22
aeropalynology, allergy, Ambrosia pollen concentration, meteorological factors
Stinson 2006 Stinson K. A. W. J. H. Tranz, J. L. Petzold, and F. A . Bazzaz, 2006. Architectural and physiological mechanisms of reduced size inequality in CO2-enriched stands of common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia). Global Change Biology 12:1680–1689 Ambrosia artemisiifolia, CO2, dominant, photosynthesis, plant architecture, ragweed, size inequality, subordinate
Stinson 2006 Stinson K. A. and F. A. Bazzaz, 2006. CO2 enrichment reduces reproductive dominance in competing stands of Ambrosia artemisiifolia (common ragweed). Oecologia 147:155–163
allometric, CO2, competition, dominant, inequality, subordinate
Štrba 2003 Štrba P., 2003.
Maximum altitude of invasive species Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. in Slovakia. Bull. Slov. Bot. Spoločn., Bratislava, 25:155– 156
Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., Slovakia