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Ragweed literature

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Firth Author Year Full citation Keywords
Jávorka 1910 Jávorka S. 1910. Ambrosia artemisiifolia Magyarországon. Botanikai Közlemények, 11: 303 megjelenés
Járai-Komlódi 1993 Jarai-Komlodi M. and M. Juhasz, 1993. Ambrosia elatior (L.) in Hungary (1989-1990). Aerobiologia 9:75- 78
Ambrosia spp., pollinosis, ragweed, aeropalynology
Jarai-Komlodi M. 2000 Jarai-Komlodi M., 2000.
Some details about ragweed airborne pollen in Hungary. Aerobiologia 16: 291–294
Ambrosia spp., pollen monitoring, weedpollen
Jaeger 2000 Jaeger S., 2000. Ragweed (Ambrosia) sensitisation rates correlate with the amount of inhaled airborne pollen. A 14-year study in Vienna, Austria. Aerobiologia 16:149-153 aerobiology, pollen allergy, ragweed, RAST, Austria
Jaeger Ambrosia artemisiifolia. Neues Kraut auf Vormarsch in Europa. Power Point Presentation Ambrosia artemisiifolia
Jurik 1991 Jurik T. W., 1991. Population distributions of plant size and light environment of giant ragweed (Ambrosia trifida L.) at three densities. Oecologia 87:539-550 size inequality - size hierarchy - competition, dominance and suppression, exponential growth