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Firth Author Year Full citation Keywords
Belmonte 2000 Belmonte J., M. Vendrell, J. M. Roure, J. Vidal, J. Botey, and A. Cadahía, 2000. Levels of Ambrosia pollen in the atmospheric spectra of Catalan aerobiological stations. Aerobiologia 16:93–99, 2000. aerobiology, Ambrosia pollen, long range transport, Spain
Jaeger 2000 Jaeger S., 2000. Ragweed (Ambrosia) sensitisation rates correlate with the amount of inhaled airborne pollen. A 14-year study in Vienna, Austria. Aerobiologia 16:149-153 aerobiology, pollen allergy, ragweed, RAST, Austria
Kasprzyk 2006 Kasprzyk I., 2006. Comparative study of seasonal and intradiurnal variation of airborne herbaceous pollen in urban and rural areas. Aerobiologia 22:185–195
aerobiology, seasonal variations, herbaceous pollen, intradiurnal variations, pollen grains, rural environments, town environments
Kasprzyk 2007 Kasprzyk I., 2008. Non-native Ambrosia pollen in the atmosphere of Rzeszów (SE Poland); evaluation of the effect of weather conditions on daily concentrations and starting dates of the pollen season. International Journal of Biometeorology, 52:341–351. aerobiology, long-distance transport, pollen, synoptic weather types, meteorological parameters
Barnes 2001 Barnes C. , F. Pacheco, J. Landuyt, F. Hu, and J. Portnoy, 2001.
The effect of temperature, relative humidity and rainfall on airborne ragweed pollen concentrations. Aerobiologia 17:61–68
aerobiology, humidity, ragweed, rainfall, temperature
Carosso 2000 Carosso A., and M. T. Gallesio, 2000.
Allergy to ragweed: clinical relevance in Turin. Aerobiologia 16:155–158
aerobiology, airborne pollen, allergy, bronchial asthma, ragweed, rhinoconjunctivitis
Dechamp 1997 Dechamp C., M. L. Rimet., H. Meon., and P. Deviller, 1997.
Parameters of ragweed pollination in the Lyon's area (France) from 14 years of pollen counts. Aerobiologia 13:275-279
Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., pollen counts, pollen traps, aerobiology, allergy
Della Torre 2006 Della Torre F., A. Limonta, A. Molinari, P. Benaglio, S. Vercelloni, and E.Della Torre, 2006.
Epidemiology and Aerobiology of Ambrosia artemisiifolia between 1988 to 2004. J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. Abstracts. 112
epidemiology, aerobiology, Ambrosia artemisiifolia
Gioulekas 2004 Gioulekas D., C. Balafoutis, A. Damialis, D. Papakosta, G.Gioulekas, and D. Patakas, 2004.
Fifteen years record of airborne allergenic pollen and meteorological parameters in Thessaloniki, Greece. Int J Biometeorol 48:128–136
aerobiology, airborne pollen, meteorological parameters, allergy, pollen calendar, Greece
Goracci 1996 Goracci E. and G. Goracci, 1996.
Ragweed (Ambrosia) pollen presence in Livorno, Central Italy: aerobiological and sensitization data. Aerobiologia 12:139-140
ragweed pollen, specific IgE, sensitization, aerobiology
Kumer 1985 Kumer E., F. Piccoli, 1985. Aerobiologia in Italia e considerazioni su alcune specie vegetali allergeniche nela provincia di Ferrara. Aerobiologia 1:5-14 aerobiology, monitoring centres, herbaceous plants, pollens
Peternel 2005 Peternel R., J. Culig, L. Srnec, B. Mitiv, I. Vuvkusic, I. Hrga., 2005. Variation in ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) pollen concentration in Central Croatia, 2002-2003. Ann Agric Environ Med 12:11–16
aerobiology, ragweed, allergenic pollens, pollen count, Croatia
Peternel 2006 Peternel R., J. Čulig, I. Hrga, and P. Hercog, 2006. Airborne ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) pollen concentrations in Croatia, 2002–2004. Aerobiologia (2006) 22:161–168 aerobiology, Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., Central Croatia, ragweed pollen, volumetric method
Pizzulin Sauli 1992 Pizzulin Sauli M., F. Larese Filon, and L. Rizzi Longo, 1992.
Ragweed presence in Trieste: clinical and aerobiological data. Aerobiologia 8:16-20
aerobiology, airborne pollen, ragweed, floristic records, pollen allergy
Šikoparija 2006 Šikoparija B., P. Radišić, T. Pejak, and S. Šimić, 2006.
Airborne grass and ragweed pollen in the southern Panonnian valley – consideration of rural and urban environment. Ann Agric Environ Med 13: 263–266
aerobiology, airborne pollen, grass, ragweed, urban environment, rural environment
Stach 2007 Stach A., M. Smith, C. A. Skjøth, and J. Brandt, 2007.
Examining Ambrosia pollen episodes at Poznań (Poland) using back-trajectory analysis. Int J Biometeorol 51:275–286
aerobiology, ragweed, Ambrosia, Poznań, back-trajectory analysis
Yankova 1996 Yankova R., D. Baltadjieva, R. Peneva, and V. Zlatev, 1996
Pollen grains of Ambrosia in the air of Sofia, Bulgaria. Aerobiologia 12:273-277
aerobiology, airborne pollen, Ambrosia, pollen, pollen allergy