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pollen count

Firth Author Year Full citation Keywords
Peternel 2005 Peternel R., J. Culig, L. Srnec, B. Mitiv, I. Vuvkusic, I. Hrga., 2005. Variation in ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) pollen concentration in Central Croatia, 2002-2003. Ann Agric Environ Med 12:11–16
aerobiology, ragweed, allergenic pollens, pollen count, Croatia
Pozzi 1992 Pozzi P., P. Zanon, D. Berra, and E. Chiodini, 1992. Results of three years of aerobiological sampling in the atmosphere of Busto Arsizio. Aerobiologia 8:21-26
ragweed, pollen count
Stefanic 2005 Stefanic E., V. Kovacevic, Z. Lazanin, 2000.
Airborne ragweed pollen concentration in north-eastern Croatia and its relationship with meteorological parameters. Ann Agric Environ Med 12:75–79
ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.), pollen count, meteorological conditions, Spearman's correlation coefficient, Croatia, 2001-2003