pollen count
Firth Author | Year | Full citation | Keywords |
Peternel | 2005 | Peternel R., J. Culig, L. Srnec, B. Mitiv, I. Vuvkusic, I. Hrga., 2005. Variation in ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) pollen concentration in Central Croatia, 2002-2003. Ann Agric Environ Med 12:11–16 |
aerobiology, ragweed, allergenic pollens, pollen count, Croatia |
Pozzi | 1992 | Pozzi P., P. Zanon, D. Berra, and E. Chiodini, 1992. Results of three years of aerobiological sampling in the atmosphere of Busto Arsizio. Aerobiologia 8:21-26 |
ragweed, pollen count |
Stefanic | 2005 | Stefanic E., V. Kovacevic, Z. Lazanin, 2000. Airborne ragweed pollen concentration in north-eastern Croatia and its relationship with meteorological parameters. Ann Agric Environ Med 12:75–79 |
ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.), pollen count, meteorological conditions, Spearman's correlation coefficient, Croatia, 2001-2003 |