Firth Author | Year | Full citation | Keywords |
Asero | 2002 | Asero R. , 2002. Birch and ragweed pollinosis north of Milan: a model to investigate the effects of exposure to "new" airborne allergens. Allergy 57:1063-1066 | birch, familiarity, pollen, pollinosis |
Járai-Komlódi | 1993 | Jarai-Komlodi M. and M. Juhasz, 1993. Ambrosia elatior (L.) in Hungary (1989-1990). Aerobiologia 9:75- 78 |
Ambrosia spp., pollinosis, ragweed, aeropalynology |
Bottero | 1999 | Bottero P., M. Palella, E. Venegoni, A. Gritttini, and G. Vitali, 1999. Pollinose dans une zone semi-urbaine de la province de Milan: analyse des observations cliniques de l'hopital de Magenta. Lettre d'Information Apériodique de l'Association Française d'Etude des Ambroisies (AFEDA) 11 |
pollinosis, Italy, Magenta |
D'Amato | 1998 | D'Amato G., F. Th. M. Spieksma, G. Liccardi,S. Jager, M. Russo, K. Kontou-Fili, H. Nikkels, B. Wüthrich, and S. Bonini, 1998. Pollen-related allergy in Europe. Allergy 53:567-578 |
hay fever-hay asthma, pollen allergy, pollinosis, respiratory allergy by pollen |
D'Amato | 2007 | D'Amato G., L. Cecchi, S. Bonini, C. Nunes, I. Annesi-Maesano, H. Behrendt, G. Liccardi, T. Popov, and P. van Cauwenberge, 2007. Allergenic pollen and pollen allergy in Europe. Allergy 62: 976–990 |
airway hypersensitivity, allergenic pollens, allergic asthma, allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma, outdoor air-pollution, pollinosis, respiratory allergy, seasonal allergy |
Pastori | 1997 | Pastori P., P. Bottero, A. Grittini, and G.M. Vitali, 1997. Incidence de la pollinose due aux Ambroisies chez les enfants d'un groupe scolaire, Hôpital Magenta (région de MILAN). Lettre d'Information Apériodique de l'Association Française d'Etude des Ambroisies (AFEDA) 5 | Ambrosia artemisiifolia, pollinosis, children, Italy, Magenta |