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seed dormancy

Firth Author Year Full citation Keywords
Willemsen 1975 Willemsen R. W., 1975. Dormancy and germination of common ragweed seeds in the field. American Journal of Botany 62(6): 639-643 seed dormancy, germination, Ambrosia artemisiifolia, invader, lambsquarters , common cocklebur , redroot pigweed , common ragweed , giant ragweed , giant foxtail , green foxtail , barnyardgrass , fall panicum
Fumanal 2008 Fumanal, B., Gaudot, I., Bretagnolle, f. 2008. Seed-bank dynamics in the invasive plant, Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. Seed Science Research 18: 101-114. Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., disturbance, invasive plant, seedbank, seed dormancy, seedling recrutiment, spatial distribution